We have started our fall golf course preparation schedule. We will be implementing a number of agronomic practices and measures to help repair the course from the season long play as well as insuring that it is in quality condition for next season. Below are just a few of the agronomic practices that we are currently in the process of doing.
One of the keys to firming the fairways is to utilize the practice of verticle mowing. This practice assists in removing excess thatch from the fairways. Notice in the second photo how much undesirable material is brought to the surface and removed. We do this practice each spring and fall.
This is what a verticle mowing reel looks like
It is more of a thinning than a cutting process
Notice the amount of grass and thatch that are pulled from the turf
Topdressing immediately follows the verticle mowing. Sand is deposited into the verticle mowing lines to help firm the surface of the turf
This is the amount of sand that we will put on the white nine fairways
This is the result after a week
We are also aerifying the greens, tees, approaches, fairways and roughs over the next few weeks