We are getting our new Border Collie "Bristol" acquainted with the property and chasing geese.
There are plenty of leaves to collect an dispose of.
The staff clears the parking lot of snow when necessary.
We have just "blown out" the irrigation system for the season.
Applying preventative fungicides is necessary to prevent winter diseases.
These photos show just how winter diseases can devastate a course.
Rough mowing units are used to mulch the leaves
Ivan & Santos are preparing the winter planter boxes
Lorrie is planting the winter pots
Adding additional drainage is a winter routine
Our staff takes down diseased and unsafe trees
In-house tree removals
Mario is repairing any irrigation system leaks
Todd is adding a layer of sand to the green's surfaces to protect the turf
Apolinar is topdressing the fairways with sand to help firm the fairways and protect the turf from winter temperatures
These are the guys that work before dawn and till dusk many days in snow, rain, heat and cold to give us the golfing conditions that NCC members and guests enjoy.